We held a really interesting conference with 95 delegates from 24 countries and had over 55 presenters. The videos/PowerPoint from the conference are being put on the website. CLICK HERE to view the presentations

This was an excellent networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners, policy experts and experts by experience from around the world to come together to discuss current work focused on improving the lives of family members who suffer by being close to someone with an alcohol, drug, or gambling problem.

The Conference was held in Rotterdam, Holland on June 15-16, with two optional Workshops on the morning of 17 June on either the 5-Step Method or CRAFT, and a welcome reception in the evening of 14 June.

Looking forward, AFINet will host a virtual conference in 2024, and plans to hold an in person conference in Quebec, Canada in 2025. Stay tuned for more information!

See you soon!


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