AFINet trustees: Cassandra Borges Bortolon
Name: Cassandra Borges BortolonEmail:
Location: Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre and Federal University of São Paulo
Occupation: Psychologist, Professor and Health Science Researcher
Web site:
City: Porto Alegre
Country: Brazil
Phone: +55. 51. 3061.8371 mobile phone +55. 51 98139 4719
Interests: I am clinical psychologist and care drug users and their families members. I researcher in area quimical dependency and affected family members. .
Biography: I trained in clinical psychology and obtained my Master's and my Ph.D. at the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre. I live in Porto Alegre, Brazil. A special area of interest has been researching on the impact of addiction problems on the family and the development of methods for helping and supporting affected family members. I worked for 10 years VIVAVOZ / Ligue 132 - to a toll-free phone for help in relation to a family member who is a drug user and requested treatment sites for drug users. in this period I developed Motivational intervention for family members living with a relative with a substance-related disorder.
I founded a company - Acurarte - Psychology, Teacch, and Health and I am co-founder Acurartech that works innovation and hybrid systems for attendance online.
International work:
My international work begins with an Afinet in 2014 as Afinet membership and after as an Afinet trustee in 2016.
Recent publications include:
- Não-adesão em intervenções por telemedicina para usuários de drogas - Revisão Sistemática, 2014. Revista de Saúde Pública on lin. 48 (3)
- Abordagem Motivacional para familiar de usuário de drogas por telefone: um estudo de caso. 2013. Contextos Clínicos. 6(2)
- Assessment of changes in nicotine dependence, motivation, and symptoms of anxiety and depression among smokers in the initial process of smoking reduction or cessation: a short-term follow-up study, 2013. 35.
- Avaliação das Crenças Codependentes e dos Estágios de Mudança em Familiares de Usuários de Drogas em um Serviço de Teleatendimento, 2010, 54 (4).
- Bortolon, C. B., Moreira, T. C., Signor, L., Guahyba, B. L., Figueiró, L. R., Ferigolo, M., & Barros, H. M. T. (2017). Six-Month Outcomes of a randomized, motivational tele-intervention for change in the codependent behavior of family members of drug users. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(2), 164-174.
- Sola, Sakyiama, Padin, Canfield, Bortolon, Laranjeira e Mitsuhiro. Measuring stress, coping, strain and hopefulness of Brazilian family members of substance misusers: Factor structure of a set of measures. 2018.
DOI 10.1080/14659891.2018.1523963
- Bortolon, CB. Families that Live with Disorders Related to Substances and Addiction. DOI 10.21767/2471-853X.100044